

The parent gem of alexandrite and cymophane, chrysoberyl is a strong, durable stone with a characteristic yellow-green hue. Discovered in 1790 by one of the most outstanding geologists of the time, Abraham Gottlob Werner, chrysoberyl is actually unrelated to the beryl gem, but because of this frequent confusion this unique geological occurrence is often overlooked in its own right.
Only two well-known natural gemstones, corundum and diamond, are harder than chrysoberyl, making it an excellent material for everyday use. Alexandrite, a variety of chrysoberyl, will exhibit emerald green colors under normal light, but raspberry red hues under incandescent lighting, thanks to a strong but narrow yellow light absorption. Cymophane, also known as “cat’s eye,” often show a silky band of light across stone’s surface when cut in a cabochon, or domelike, fashion.
This family of gems offers a unique range of light displays that will delight viewers and make a long-lasting addition to any collection.